This Cast Iron Breakfast Skillet makes the perfect camping breakfast or weekend brunch.
It’s low carb and tastes like a real treat!
Be still my beating heart <3
With a breakfast like this on the menu. You could tempt just about anyone to go camping with you!
Also, as it’s low carb, it fits in with a LCHF lifestyle very nicely indeed.
To ramp it up and make it keto, simply swap out those tomatoes and onions for some asparagus or green beans.
Delicious and perfectly filling.
Camping Breakfasts
Now if there’s one thing I know a bit about, it’s making camping food.
You can find a tonne of camping food ideas on this site from this Hot Prawn Madras Curry (made from scratch, in a campervan! There’s video proof if you don’t believe me!) to instructions on How to Make Hummus without a Blender.
Need more camping food inspiration?
Check out my Camping Recipes archives.
Spoiler alert: go put the kettle on first, you’ll be in there a while ;)
Unless you’re on a really tight budget. I would recommend spending a little extra on the porky and eggy components.
Quite frankly, cheap sausages should be banned.
They taste gross, have miscellaneous bits (the thought of which makes my skin crawl), and have all kinds of cheap filler added to bulk up their weight.
And whilst I’m outlawing crappy sausages, I’m also banning cheap eggs too.
No chicken deserves to spend its life churning us out eggs whilst trapped in a metal cage.
Rant over.
Cast Iron Breakfast Skillet
And so my friends, let’s get on with the grub.
The only things to be aware of in this breakfast skillet, are the temperature and timings.
I would opt for a medium high heat.
Not too high that the sausage burns. And not too low that it never gets that yummy brown crust.
Stagger the items, with the things that take the longest to cook (sausages) in first.
Culminating in the quickest to cook (eggs).
I’m using chipolatas from my local butcher, which by the way are tremendous.
If you’re using a chunkier sausage just bear in mind it’ll take longer to cook than my chipolatas.
Equally, if you’re using tinned hot dogs (hey, you’re camping. There’s no shame in relying on tinned hot dogs when stocks get low!) they obviously won’t need ‘cooking’ as such.
Just chuck them in at the end and heat through.
Watch this recipe video cooked in my campervan here!

- 1 tsp oil
- 2 sausages
- 3 streaky bacon rashers
- 1/2 onion
- 50 g baby mushrooms cleaned and halved
- 50 g cherry tomatoes
- 1 egg
Heat the pan up over a medium high heat.
Add the oil, then the sausages and onions. Let cook for 4 or 5 minutes, turning the sausages occasionally to colour each side.
Add in the mushrooms and let sit on the cut side for a few minutes to turn golden.
Next add in the bacon, followed by the cherry tomatoes and finally crack the egg in the centre of the pan.
Enjoy the process of cooking this breakfast. Try not to rush it, just kick back and relax.
[…] Cast Iron Breakfast Skillet from The Hedge Combers: If you’re watching your carbs, this breakfast skillet is the perfect morning meal to start your day at the campsite. Even those who aren’t being carb-conscious will love the meaty selections with eggs, onions, and tomatoes. […]