These Cinnamon Freezer Cookies are a brilliant stand-by to pull out of the ice box at a moments notice anytime you fancy a fresh batch of deliciously scented cookies.
Dang, my kitchen smells good right now! This dough is fantastic, and one I’ve been making for years. You roll the uncooked dough into a sausage shape, wrap it in cling film and hide in the freezer. Whether you want a single cookie, or a whole plate full, you just slice a disc off the dough and bake it. In less than 10 minutes you’ll be rewarded by some fabulous homemade goodness with zero effort!
As they bake, they spread out on the baking sheet so do space them out well and don’t put them too close to the edge of the tray.

- 250 g salted butter softened
- 150 g sugar
- 2 teaspoons cinnamon
- 1 egg
- 220 g plain flour
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- If you are baking any cookies today, preheat the oven to 200/180 fan/gas 6
- Cream the butter and sugar together, then stir in the egg.
- Sift in the cinnamon, flour and baking powder and mix until there are no dry bits still showing.
- Wipe a damp dishcloth over your work surface, then lay out a piece of clingfilm onto it (the dampness will make the clingfilm it stay still!)
- Dollop on your cookie dough then using the clingfilm to guide it, squish out to a rough rectangle. Pick up the edges of the cling film and roll it until you have sausage shape about 2.5 - 3 inches wide.
- Pop in the freezer for ten minutes, or until you need it. It'll keep for 6 weeks in the freezer, although I have 'lost' a couple of batches over the years for a lot longer and the cookies still tasted fine.
- When you're ready to bake, slice off 1cm discs, lay out on a baking sheet and bake for around 8 minutes or until the edges are frilly and golden brown.
Becca @ Amuse Your Bouche says
This is genius! I rarely bake because I’d end up eating the whole batch in one go, so I love the idea of just slicing off one or two cookies. As long as you can stop at one or two :D
Jane Sarchet says
Exactly Becca! It would be a little extreme to put the oven on to bake just one cookie, but if needs must, at least it stops you eating a whole batch :D
Janie x
Foodie Quine (@foodiequine) says
Loving the sound of these! Is it not a bit of a battle to cut off a slice of frozen solid cookie dough?
Jane Sarchet says
No, not at all Foodiequine. If your knife isn’t all that sharp you can always run it under the hot tap for a few moments and it’ll glide through ;)
Janie x
Lucy @ BakingQueen74 says
I love this idea, I too suffer from the “eating all the cookies” bug so this would be perfect for me. Cinnamon scent would waft through the house – yum!
Jane Sarchet says
You girls are making me feel so much better for not being the only one with questionable willpower :D
Janie x
Sarah Trivuncic, Maison Cupcake says
Such a convenient way to bake biscuits and cinnamon is perfect for Christmas!
Jane Sarchet says
Exactly Sarah, it has to be the scent of the season :)
Janie x
glamorous glutton says
These sound perfect for this time of year and I love the fact that you can keep the dough in the freezer. Perfect for The Glams when they’re all home and pestering me to bake. GG
Jane Sarchet says
Exactly GG, write the baking instructions on the freezer bag and you can put your feet up :)
Janie x